Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

This year was awesome
Just wishing you guys a happy new year! 

Did you do anything special? 
What did you get for Christmas?
Share you us down below in the comment

Again wishing you guys a happy new year~~~~~~:)

Awesome Riddle

Get thinking bro, because this will confuse you!

I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

Type your guess down in the comment below, and i will reveal the answer in the next 
Awesome Riddle.

Joke Joke :)


This is just a joke, don't take it too far.
It's not talking about yo mama.
Thank You :)

Yo mama is so poor that when i walk through her front door, i fell through the back.


Xenon logo.pngXenon intro.png

Xenon (KR: 제논) is a member of the Resistance. He is a mixture of Thief and Pirate, therefore using Strength, Dexterity, and Luck as his main stats. With an Energy Sword and a Controller, Xenon uses technology and quick-paced attacks to eliminate his enemies.
Originally a weapon created by Gelimer, Xenon escaped and joined the Resistance.


In the supposedly quiet Edelstein, Xenon and a few friends, Brighton, Belle, Claudine and Elex, were playing a game. En route home, Xenon was held captive by Gelimer and took him away. Xenon and a female, Beryl, were made test subjects in an experiment conducted by Gelimer, with their memories erased.

A dagger from Xenon's childhood

A few years later, the Resistance investigated the Verne Mine, and Xenon was sent by Gelimer to fight them. Upon seeing a trapped Claudine, Xenon had a blurred memory which reminded him of something. To confirm his suspicions, Xenon went to the prison which Claudine was held to ask her about his past. Xenon showed her a dagger, the one which Lutie, an android, gave him. They both realized, they knew each other!

Xenon began his escape with Claudine and Lutie. Beryl appeared and fought Xenon on Gelimer's command. The Resistance brought Xenon and Lutie back to the Secret Plaza. They knew that Gelimer could control and locate Xenon with a device on him, so it was removed and destroyed. Xenon then had his own mission to accomplish, which was to recover his lost memories.

KMS Xenon Trailer 

New Monsters!

New Monsters!

KMST - Version 1.2.454
GoldBeach icon.png Gold Beach

Mob Palm Tree Slime.pngMob Coconut Slime.pngMob Green Clam Slime.pngMob Blue Clam Slime.pngMob Seagull Slime.pngMob Red Tube Slime.png
야자수 슬라임코코넛 슬라임초록조개 슬라임보라조개 슬라임갈매기 슬라임빨간 튜브 슬라임

Mob Blue Tube Slime.pngMob Shrimp Slime.png
파란 튜브 슬라임새우 슬라임

Mob Flying Fish Slime.png
날치 슬라임
Mob Starfish OctoSlime.png불가사리 문어 슬라임
Mob Turban OctoSlime.png소라문어 슬라임
Mob Captain Black Slime.png         
         Mobicon Captain Black Slime.png 캡틴 블랙 슬라임

TMS - Version 150.0
YuYuanCN icon.png Royal Tomb (皇陵之巔)

Mob Skeleton.pngMob Solider blade.pngMob Solider gun.pngMob Terracotta Monster (Bow).pngMob Terracotta Monster (Crossbow).pngMob Missing Substance.png
骷顱盜墓賊劍兵槍兵弓兵弩兵Mobicon Terracotta.png 兵馬俑
Mob Fanged Snake.pngMob Emperor.png
Mobicon Fanged Snake.png 毒牙蛇Mobicon Emperor.png 皇帝

Angelic Buster

Angelic Buster intro.pngAngelic Buster logo.png

Angelic Buster is a member of the Nova and is of the Pirate Branch.

To view Angelic Burster's skill click here

Born without a tail or magic, Tear endured disappointment from Nova elders and flat-out torment from her peers. Her only friends were two kind boys, Kyle and Velderoth, who watched over her from the get-go. Together, they formed the Heliseum Force, dreaming of one day recapturing the homeland that was stolen from them. But they were too young to stand up to the attacks on Pantheon... When the Heliseum Force is overwhelmed at Pantheon, Tear calls on the power of an ancient relic to save her friends. Her plan works, but she gets much more than she bargained for. Now, the voice of the ancient Nova dragon warrior, Eskalade, rings out in her head. It tells Tear of her new destiny... to become the Angelic Buster!

Instead of using Mana, Angelic Buster uses Soul Recharge to use her six Soul Recharge skills of choice. By using basic attack or other attack skills, it has a chance to recharge. This saves mesos since Mana potions do not have to be bought.

Angelic Buster Trailer:

CMS ver. 071 – Root Abyss & New Bosses!

CMSt ver. 071 – Root Abyss & New Bosses!

Root Abyss - The Giant Root
This post title might seem a bit random, but actually it’s very surprising! China MapleStory’s test server has released the new area and bosses of Root Abyss before kMSt! This area is the one hinted at with all of these boss previews and even one of the last Inkwell’s Secret Diary entries! I don’t know why CMSt got it first, but I’ll try my best to cover it~ It’s really really interesting because it is really important to the storyline of MapleStory~
Please note that many of the translations I am using are from Hadriel of Southperry from this thread, so huge thanks to him for posting them!
The new area is located in Sleepywood actually! You can see the root of a large tree off the path to Ant Tunnel.
Falling into Root Abyss
My guess is that once you approach it with your character in game, you’ll fall into it (obviously).
Root Abyss
You will then find yourself in the Root Abyss! It’s a new area with 4 new bosses! This area is for levels 110 to 160. There’s only one map in between each boss so it’s not that great for training though.
Each boss has two different modes, one for levels 110 and over and the other for levels 140 and over.
First Meeting with Alice
You will be awakened by a girl named Alice. Now… there’s something special about her that you should know.
World Tree Alice
Alice is the World Tree, the Transcendence of Life for the Maple World! After the battle with the Black Mage, her powers became very weak. She rested in the Root Abyss, at the centre of Victoria Island, to regain her powers, since the area is filled with life energy.
Alice in Ereb
However, it seems that Alice has been sealed in the Root Abyss! To help her, you’ll have to defeat the four bosses in each gate.

The above video shows the ending of the Root Abyss storyline~ Thanks to Spadow for the video and chuanjun of EllinForest for the translations!
You reluctantly bring Alice to Ereb, because she has been sealed for so long and has not been able to see the world. However, you and her both know she will be safer there under the protection of Cygnus and Shinsoo. After Alice begins her sleep, Nineheart tells you that the Sealing Guardian has been revived. Who this is we don’t really know… but it probably means a new story will begin soon!
And we finally know where this picture takes place, in Root Abyss! More interesting is that we now know the identity of this mysterious person, none other than Demon’s brother, Damian!
Queen City
Now let’s get into the bosses. First off, in the path to the left, lies Queen City. It’s really creepy with all the skulls and spiderwebs…
Bloody Queen
The boss for this area is the Bloody Queen. Definitely scary… I bet her head spins around to reveal something super hideous, haha.
Afternoon Tea Garden
The area to the bottom left leads to the Afternoon Tea Garden.
This is Pierre, another boss in the Root Abyss. I wonder what type of skills he uses…
Crack in Time
The next area is called the Crack in Time, and it definitely looks that way.
Banban (name TBD) is the boss for this place. I guess he can control the power of time, although how a chicken got that power I don’t know, haha.
Abyss Cave
The last area is the Abyss Cave. This one definitely looks like it’s the big boss zone, haha.
This is the boss, Belum (again, name TBD). He’s huge! And I wonder if he’s really a dragon or a worm… we don’t really know what’s below the rocks.

This video (thanks to forad999!) shows the fights against Banban, Pierre, and Bloody Queen! They all have the Death Count system, and the items they drop are Epic if you fight them in their 140+ form. They all have some pretty unique skills compared to the past Maple bosses. They really give importance to your positioning in fights rather than raw damage.
Banban can make the timer advance a few seconds, I think it’s whenever you stand on that clock that he summons. He drops a hat that looks like his head, haha. Pierre has his tornado that leaves DoT tiles on the floor, he also drops a hat. Bloody Queen does a slash attack that inflicts different status effects on you, from her you can get a chair that looks like the one in her map.

Finally, Belum, who seems to have the most annoying fight of all. Every few seconds he will disappear into the ground and reappear, making it really hard to do damage to him. He can also fly out of the ground! He drops a hat like Banban and Pierre.